Saturday, November 6, 2010


how does reading "stranger in a strange land" when you're 12 years old shape your ideas about adult relationships and intelligence? certain disappointment follows when you realize grokking is a martian concept.

Friday, November 5, 2010

mountain to hankerchief

each stitch locates me
this is where she stood
where she collected
where she reach out to grasp
what she wanted to hold

from Mom's diary: first trip to Mount Rainier

July 26, 1935
Tonight we did quite a lot of preparation for tomorrow. I can hardly wait! Margret showed up about 9 o’clock tonight. Of course she is going. We got a letter from Ruth. They’re coming about midnight.

July 27, 1935
We have a cabin. Is sure cold! The girls got in about 12:30 this am. We got things all packed and started for Rainier about 9:45. It was a beautiful drive up here. After much dilly dallying around we got here about 1. It was quite foggy. We went for a walk, gathered flowers we weren’t suppose to, and got pictures of deer! About 5 the fog lifted as we could see the mountain - so big and beautiful. After dinner we went to the community hall and heard a lecture. We got some cards and I sent one to Dorothy and Edna.

July 28, 1935
It was raining this morning! After breakfast and much lying around, we (all but Dad) got started on a hike. We went a long ways, about two miles going up always on the mountain. We saw glaciers and so many flowers. We got back around 12:30. We had dinner and got packed up to go. On the way home we saw a bear and deer. Got pictures of both. I fed the deer cookies! We got lots of pictures. Got home around 7 or so. The girls left about 8:30.